Weekend Wanderings #4: Tiny House for the Win

Weekend Wanderings #4: Tiny House for the Win

Counter Culture, Housing, Weekend Wanderings
I'm over hear doting on tiny houses and their many upsides.While everyone is thinking bigger, and bigger.  What's up with that? A Note to New Readers: My Weekend Wandering series is a time I take to wander off the main focus of this blog and discuss any other topic. Usually including videos that I found inspirational, informative or controversial. But if you'd like to talk about money read about how we obliterated debt in just 3 years. FYI, this post does dive into money, so stick around. Like all my weekend wandering posts this one is going to be chock-full of videos and the idea is that you watch them and be inspired. I won't be summarizing their awesomeness. Today I am wandering into the realm of tiny houses. I…
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Weekend Wanderings #3: Breaking Down Barriers

Weekend Wanderings #3: Breaking Down Barriers

Counter Culture, Travel, Weekend Wanderings
New Readers Note: My Weekend Wandering series is a time I take to wander off the main focus of this blog and discuss any other topic. Usually including videos that I found inspirational, informative or controversial. But if you'd like to talk about money read about how we obliterated debt in just 3 years. Work has gotten crazy busy in the new year and if you read my first Weekend Wandering post then you know that Fridays is the day I set aside some time to be inspired and engaged.  With the crazyness at work I had no time. Until last Friday! The videos I watched did not disappoint. Not me at least. The first video that caught my eye had the words tolerance and tourism in the title. hmm…
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Weekend Wanderings #2: The Easy Life

Weekend Wanderings #2: The Easy Life

Counter Culture, Parenthood, Reading, Weekend Wanderings
Welcome to my weekend wanderings. I'm the Roamer here at Traveling Wallet. I hope you enjoy these videos. I know when you make big goals you often need inspiration and motivation and that's what I hope you'll get here in these segments. Do you feel like life is hard? Are you running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to climb some corporate ladder? So much to do so little time. I often like to ponder such questions. Sometimes I don't have all the words, or know all the right things to say. In these times I'm happy to defer to the experts. In my head I made it a goal to include at least 3 videos for all my weekend wanderings but today's video is so powerful and…
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Weekend Wanderings: Include Language in your Journey

Weekend Wanderings: Include Language in your Journey

Counter Culture, Finance, Parenthood, Weekend Wanderings
I have a little ritual I developed at work to cope with my dissatisfaction. I had listened to 7 habits cast and realized that effective people take responsibility for their lives. I was feeling rather passionless when I started but I found that watching some TEDx talks always gave my mind a work out whether it was inspirational or informative or controversial. It got my juices flowing. So I've made it a point that every Friday I schedule 30 min. To be inspired. After watching these I find a few that just are Wow and I want to share them. I use to email them out but it felt weird to just include specific people. And it seems limiting. But now, I own a blog a place where I can…
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